Joint health at every age

2 October 2024

How rehabilitation can play a role from junior to senior years

At Nurture Health, we know how important physical rehabilitation is to support lifelong mobility.

You may think that aching joints only affect the elderly but, no matter what age you are, you want your joints to be in good shape.

Injury, overuse and obesity can lead to strain on your joints, and cause pain and restricted movement. Medical conditions – such as rheumatoid arthritis, for example – also take their toll.

Our professional team of professional physiotherapists have the specialised knowledge and training to help you strengthen your muscles and protect your joints.

Some of our hospitals also offer well-equipped gyms, with custom-designed rehabilitation equipment.


Extremely young children are vulnerable to injuries that may make them need post-op rehab, while others may have neuromuscular conditions that call for medical treatment that includes physical rehabilitation.

Active children often take a tumble that can cause a broken bone, or overdo it on the school sports field. Paediatric physiotherapy here will focus not only on injury rehab but also educating aspiring athletes on how they may avoid future damage.

Middle age

Too many people slide into middle age and leave healthy activity behind. However, these are the years when you lay the groundwork for a pain-free old age so it is important to stay as fit and active as possible – and this means paying attention to your joints.

Maintaining a healthy weight also will reap benefits, as obesity places a strain on your joints.

Sports injuries are still common in mid-life, and may call for orthopaedic intervention.

To get back into peak physical shape after an operation, physical therapy will focus on gradually building back any lost range of motion or strength. Strength training and flexibility exercises are likely to be part of your rehabilitation.

Nurture Health’s professionals can also guide on proactive lifestyle changes that may need to be made.

Senior years

Hip or knee replacements are more common in the elderly, and there is often a long road to recovery. After a major surgical procedure like this, physiotherapy is an integral part of the rehabilitation.

It will typically include gentle exercises to build up strength and flexibility. Exercises that improve mobility and balance will also help to reduce the risk of falls in old age.

A lifetime of human movement can wear down the cartilage and cause a degenerative joint disease like osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, although it has a different cause, is another condition where joints are inflamed, leading to pain, swelling and stiffness.

In both conditions, physiotherapy can help manage the pain through carefully tailored exercises and treatment.

They also can educate the patient on the how to protect their joints at this stage of life.

In short, whatever your age, Nurture Health aims to maximise recovery and patient health gain while achieving the highest level of independence, as cost effectively as possible.

This means that the team at our country-wide network of hospitals
get to work early, leading to improved function and better outcomes.

Whether you're transitioning from an acute hospital or further along in your healthcare journey, we offer a customised a therapeutic treatment plan to help you recover as fully as possible.