4.6 Rating (Trusted by Drs/Hospitals Nationwide)

We exist to enable people and their families to live meaningful and fulfilled lives despite physical impairment and disability resulting from health conditions.

We Do

We provide medical care, trachea care, acute rehabilitation, as well as sub-acute rehabilitation, for people with a wide range of disabilities caused by disease or injuries.

These include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, strokes, neurological disorders, orthopaedic conditions, and other debilitating illnesses. We help people who have become physically or cognitively impaired by providing them with the resources to lead meaningful lives, regardless of any disability they may have acquired or circumstances they are returning to.

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  • Collaboration: We create an environment where collaboration and teamwork are valued and supported. Without excellent teamwork, we cannot live our purpose, achieve our vision, or execute our mission.
  • Innovation: We innovatively adapt or break with assumptions, practices and silos in healthcare provision and management where it will achieve better outcomes for our patients and other clients.
  • Communication: We communicate clearly and concisely with each other, our patients and our clients to the point of overcommunication. We accept the obligation to ensure that others understand what we wish to convey.
  • Safety: We incessantly focus on improving the physical and psychological safety of the people in our care.
  • Continuous Improvement: We accept that all we do can and must be improved continuously.


Patient-centeredness, compassion, and kindness, in all we do for the people in our care. Create a safe environment always for our patients, their families, and our people. We remain committed to teamwork, acting in a way that strengthens teamwork and continuous improvement towards excellence.

We exist to make it possible for people with temporary or permanent impairment and disability to live meaningful, fulfilled lives with their families.

We do this by managing the impact of complex health conditions on people and their families, with a patient-centered approach, through coordinated, outcome focused interdisciplinary rehabilitation in hospitals and in our patients’ homes.

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Every member of the Nurture Health team has been chosen for their humanity and their expertise. Our in-house training ensures deep knowledge and understanding of care and intervention in physical rehabilitation.

At Nurture Health, we know that we are only as strong as our staff. We invest time and energy in developing our people and systems. This culture of ongoing improvement allows you, our patient, to receive the best support from our team.


About Us

Each of our hospitals house a range of specialised acute and sub-acute rehabilitation hospitals and outpatient services. We are acutely aware that you may miss your home, loved ones, and equally, that the right environment can promote health and healing.

Our hospitals are safe and secure, comfortable, warm, attractive, and spacious. Each hospital is designed to provide an ideal environment for your recovery and rehabilitation.


  • Members of our team visit, assess and engage with all newly referred patients in their referring hospital.
  • We communicate with referring doctors and therapists whenever indicated throughout the patients rehabilitation admission.
  • We continuously liaise with medical aids and funders to ensure that all aspects of rehabilitation are authorized and funded to prevent unwelcome financial surprises for patients and families.

Dr Greyling
& Associates

Dr Greyling and Associates is an independent group practice which works on an integrated basis alongside Nurture Health rehabilitation hospitals to provide the best care and intervention possible.